CSS Minifier - Instantly Compresses CSS Code - FREE-Seo.org

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CSS Minifier - Instantly Compresses CSS Code

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Add up to 10 multiple CSS files (Size Limit: 2MB per file)

About CSS Minifier - Instantly Compresses CSS Code

Why Use CSS Minifier - Compresses CSS Code Instantly

The goal of minification is to make a website load faster. Minimization can reduce the size of a script by up to 20%, resulting in a faster download time. Some developers will use it to 'obfuscate' their code as well. This makes reading the code difficult, making it more difficult to reverse engineer or copy.

It's also common to combine all of the CSS files for a single website into a single file. This has a number of advantages. It reduces the number of HTTP requests required to obtain all of the elements of a website. It also improves the efficiency of minification and gzip compression.

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